In the first row we have Granny Smith family, her two older brothers Happy Trails (left) and Prairie Tune (right), they founded Appleloosa together, and her mother and father, Pokey Oats (i redesigned him a little, gave him green tones instead of brown) and Sew n’ Sow.
In the second row we have a young auntie Applesauce, who is the sister of Pokey and the mother of Goldie Delicious and Apple Rose. Then we have the young Goldie, Annie Marie Smith and Apple Rose. Here Goldie is 14, Annie is 15 and Rose is 18.
Goldie: These two colts had their eye on you Annie!
Annie: O-of course not!! I’m pretty sure they were lookin’ at Rose.
Rose: No cousin, they were lookin’ at you!! Besides i don’t care about them, i’m getting married pretty soon, you can keep them~
Annie: Rosie!!!
I headcanon that the feud between the Apples and the Pears started when Apple Rose was going to marry a Pear, but he left her at the altar. She married another colt later, but the Apples never trusted the Pears again. But hey! An apple and a pear ended up marrying in the future~
And in the third row we have Aunt Orange, who is called Mimosa and her twin sister Lemon Liqueur, Lemon is the mother of Sunflower Seed and Babs Seed.