Occupation: Local Trickster and Prankster, Animal Sanctuary Worker
Mayhem is the younger sibling of Serenity and twin brother of Anarhy
He and his twin were named by Discord
When he was young he was obsessed with Angel and with bunnies in general. So much he couldn’t keep his claws of Angel, hopped around like a bunny and mimicked other bunny behaviours
His foalhood nickname ‘Bun Bun’ actaully came from this times. Tho funnily as a foal, he also had long, bunny like ears, which he actually used to hide his eyes with when he got scared
He also had a plush bunny, which he named after Angel. He still has it, but in secret so no one can find out about it
He looks back on those times and nickname with embarassment. He still blushes when on occasion Fluttershy calls him Bun
His a big fan of playing pranks on others. And like his dad he also a big fan of creating some chaos
His love for pranking maybe what lead Rainbow Dash to become his favorite ‘aunt’
His pranking buddy with Mirage Moon
His main target to annoy is Anarchy and Morning Glory
While ever since they were young he loved to annoy and play prank his twin, he learned that Anarchy is too sensitive and he has to hold back with her. As he got older he did those to her less and less
He would love to think that he is the closest to his twin (and loves her dearly), without knowing Anarchy hiding things from him
He loves tea, but absolutly hates the bitter type. In fact for him the sweeter the better
Technicly he is a draconequus-pony hybrid, he’s more draconequus than anything. His powers mainly based on chaos and it’s unknown if he can perform pony magic
He loves to push the buttons of others and annoy them, but it’s his round about way to show interest and caring. Or help others to open up.
That’s it for Mayhem for now. Probably more stuff later as I flesh him out more. Next up with bio definitelly going to be Anarchy.
Btw, it’s hard to put it into words, but I would describe him that he acts similary to the cheshire cat.