Age: 32 Parents: Dr. Caballeron & Lucky Clover Species: Pegasus Gender: Male Build: Tall, muscular, and sturdy Special Talent: Archeology & history Occupation: Archeology professor Nickname(s): Topsy, Chaotic Dumbass, Oddball, Professor
Due to being part earth pony, Topsy is more muscular and sturdy than the typical pegasi. As such, he’s not so much built for speed or aerial acrobatics, though his large wings are meant more for gliding and carrying him long distances. His wings tend to be far more powerful than the typical pegasi as well in order to lift his muscular frame
Comes from Shireland (mlp equivalent of Ireland), and has a heavy Shirish accent. His voice claim is RTGame
Unshown; Topsy Turvy has full heterochromia. His left eye is green, and his right eye is brown
Unusually dull in color for a pony, let alone a pegasus which are known for being colorful and showy, his marking coloration is based on that of an irl Irish Cob horse
Was the result of a one night stand between his mother Lucky Clover and Dr. Caballeron. His mother didn’t want to abort the child after Caballeron left and ended up giving birth to Topsy some months later. She’s raised him as a single mother ever since
Has a younger half brother he’s not aware of who lives in Equestria
Gets mistaken for a female often, though he never takes offense to it. If anything, Topsy finds it funny. It’s because of this, he’s often thought of himself as nonbinary, and has no real relationship with gender
Pansexual, has dated both stallions and mares in his lifetime. Currently, he’s married to his wife Dr. Goodheart. The two have a filly together
Grew up rowdy and mischievous, and heavily involved in the punk subculture of Shireland. He’s since arguably mellowed out a little upon growing into adulthood
Has been kidnapped once or twice during archeology expeditions gone wrong. It’s become a running joke within his life at this point
Generally incredibly friendly, warm hearted, and goofy in demeanor. He’s adventurous, mischievous, curious, if not a bit impulsive and chaotic. He’s also a major mama’s boy, but you didn’t hear it from me
Hidden under his fluffy fetlocks are a pair of bird-like spurs that pegasus often use for combat