I mean, who else would it be? Plus I highly doubt she’ll be getting any other art for that day, though it is possible, but she’s not as popular as the other Griffs like Gilda, Gabby, Gallus, Silverstream, and even her own daughter Skystar. Which is a shame, because she’s criminally underrated in my eye.
It’s no secret to how much I adore Novo, almost as much as I do Celestia and my other favorites. I lover her design, her sassiness, and how it goes to show that “Queen” doesn’t automatically mean “Evil”. Hell, I dedicate the entire month of November to her! But it seems she doesn’t get as much attention as I would like to see, and often it’s not in the most positive light (almost sounds like what Celie went through).
Hopefully Griff Day will give her a chance to shine a little along with the other Griffs, but we’ll have to see. I’ll still continue to draw her and write stories about her because, like Celie, there’s so much potential with her that I would like to know. And I bet others would too.”