This didn’t take as long as I expected.
Anyway here is her eldest brother.
He’s a bit of a know it all. Being born an alicorn kinda made him snooty.
Midnight Pace is a good stallion deep down but he’s a jerk on the outside. (Not to his momma though. Least he face his wrath)
He’s the only foal they had to get a time based cutie mark. (Aside from Lily but she’s still a little filly so no worries)
Since he is an alicorn he will grow more so when he’s in his let’s say late 20’s early 30’s he’ll be shining armor sized.
Lives in Canterlot but visits ponyville a lot to see his dad and if moms there him too.
If I got my timeline finally correct he’s nearing 27 so he’ll hit another growth spurt soon. *wheeze*