“If you don’t mind me asking, what is your name?”“My name is Layth…..your highness.”Kind of an old drawing, I kept this in one of my folders for a few months and just didn’t post it.Layth was just starting off as a part of the royal guard, and he decided to walk the entirety of Canterlot castle, to get himself familiar with the halls, and every single room. While he was admiring one of the many portraits on the walls, he literally, and accidentally, bumped into Princess Celestia. While he was busy internally freaking out ‘cause I just bumped into the freakin’ Princess how can I be so STUPID, she just smiled at his flustered face, and asked for his name. Even though he wished he could of met her in a less embarrassing way, he was still grateful for that day, considering it eventually led to their little filly.
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