“A little sprinkle of fog over that buttercup meadow will be just what this spring day needs…”
Parents: Sky Stinger and Vapor Trail
Species: Pegasus/Female
Special Talents: Weather working, creating gentle rainfalls and banks of mist
Nicknames: Misty, Mist
Significant Other: Turnback
Voice Actor: Melissa Rauch
Mistfeather is a sweet, quiet, and serene weatherpony that’s a common sight amongst the many faces of Cloudesdale and Ponyville. Usually called “Misty” for short, this pale pegasus is the daughter to Wonderbolt Vapor Trail and reservist Sky Stinger. However, much unlike both her parents, Misty much prefers to enjoy her slow, gentle flights. Speed isn’t really a word in Misty’s dictionary. She takes each day in her own unique stride and is a very “stop-and-smell-the-flowers” kind of mare. She is quite passionate about weatherworking, especially in creating soft banks of morning mist to revitalize the grass, or a gentle summer rain to make all the flowers seem fresh and bright. Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger are just happy to see their daughter happy (although the latter sometimes wishes his daughter followed in her parents’ hoofprints). Misty’s absolute best friend in Equestria, and consequently marefriend, is the unicorn Turnback.
These two are constantly joined at the hip and are most often seen together. Introduced by their mothers as fillies, the two remained inseparable through childhood. As far as becoming a couple, it wasn’t so much a big confession of love so much as Turnback chatting away while they were at the beach, mentioning how much they seemed like a couple. She paused, asked Misty if they just wanted to be together like everypony thinks. Misty just gave one of her signature smiles, a nod, and a tiny kiss on Turney’s cheek.