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Family Tree
If anything’s gonna make it through, it’s apples and pears.

safe2260086 artist:amarthgul273 artist:not-yet-a-brony263 artist:tomfraggle271 derpibooru import1658225 apple bloom64393 applejack212402 big macintosh35610 bright mac1798 grand pear348 granny smith6220 pear butter4106 sugar belle3855 earth pony630583 pony1926339 the big mac question1182 the perfect pear1571 apple21737 apple siblings466 apple sisters872 apple tree4356 apples and pears12 brightbutter948 brother and sister6937 crying56909 family5820 family reunion25 father and child5176 father and daughter4085 father and daughter-in-law18 father and son1389 father and son-in-law20 female1711949 grandfather and grandchild154 grandfather and granddaughter71 grandfather and granddaughter-in-law1 grandfather and grandson49 grandmother and grandchild354 grandmother and granddaughter148 grandmother and granddaughter-in-law2 grandmother and grandson101 guitar6633 heartwarming1531 hug38858 husband and wife2291 intertwined trees226 male514613 mother and child12126 mother and daughter8360 mother and daughter-in-law62 mother and son4148 musical instrument12218 parent and child15874 pear tree347 reunion255 shipping259545 siblings26252 sister-in-law45 sisters21546 smiling421011 straight183444 sugarmac971 sweet apple acres4077 tears of joy3417 the whole apple family27 tree51557 you're in my head like a catchy song22 youtube link12496


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