So a couple things on this one: In the Them’s Fightin’ Herds game, Arizona Cow talks with an accent typical of people in the real world who live there (I think). By that theme, so have I went along with Minnesota Cow talk like a Minnesotan. That being said, if I have twisted and defiled the beautiful dialect of the Minnesotan people into some kind of perverted caricature, I wholeheartedly apologize.
The second one has to do with Texas there in the third panel, pacing around in a huff. This is probably going to be the most “controversial” decision I made, simply because of the nature of where the cattle herd lives now in this alternate universe/crossover. I decided not to draw him with a yoke (is that right?) because living primarily on the farm, they’re not going anywhere, so that means no wagons. And with no wagons and ponies being the primary workforce on the farm, what’s he got to pull? That might change later, but there you go.
Thanks for reading my “behind the scenes”. Please do let me know, dear readers, whether you appreciate this kind of thing in these comic descriptions.