On the other side, despite her devious and rambunctious side, she teds to be a very kind and loving mare. Fitting the title of princess very well, earning the love and admiration of many other fillies and colts that look up to the young princess as an example. At the same time, to help out with her family, she tends to visit Canterlot to see her little cousin Tommy. More than often entertaining the little colt and making him laugh alongside his big sister figures, them being the babysitters/maids:iconcandyclumsy:and:iconrainbowtashie:
All around keeping her little cousin happy and in company. To help her human cousin relax brings her joy, as well as some pride that her component mares can revel in. Officially putting best cousin on their laundry list of accomplishments this young mare seeks to accomplish throughout her alicorn life. That and enjoy these absolutely comfy socks!