Sugar Berry: 2S2S000100FEFA69FEC6A10010141A345UN1837000000002K1FE82F00075842G1140004DFE6EB9
Typewriter: 2S2S00401069C3FEFEC6A100100FE4F90UN183700000000310FED54A0075842E1140004DFE6EB9
Pony universe: Ivy (grandmother, deceased), Scattered Marbles (grandfather), Watermelody (adoptive grandmother), Indigo Wreath (adoptive grandfather), Lullaby Strings (grandmother), Page Turner (grandfather), Flame Barrier (step-grandfather), Cindy (step-grandmother) Fictionary (mother), Butterscotch (father), Boomer (uncle) Cosy Glow (“aunt”), Cherry Leaf (cousin), Vincent Van Colt (half-uncle), Sunset Shimmer (half-aunt), Dawn Spark (half-cousin), Princess Twilight Sparkle (half-aunt), Prince Consort Flash Sentry (half-uncle), Prince Dusk Charger (half-cousin), Princess Twilight Sentry (half-cousin), Princess Violet Glow (half-cousin) Tender Taps (step-uncle), Apple Bloom (step-aunt), Pear Crush (step-cousin), Jazz Hooves (step-cousin) First Base (step-uncle), Sunny Daze (step-aunt), Dappled Sun (step-cousin), Fluttershy (distant cousin), Silver Shill (distant cousin-in-law), Golden Penny (distant cousin), Flitterheart (Distant cousin), Zephyr Breeze (distant cousin) Coco Pummel (distant cousin in law) Dancing Breeze (distant cousin), Blueberry Blur (distant cousin).
AoSL universe (both): Ivy (grandmother, deceased), Scattered Marbles (grandfather, deceased) Lullaby Strings (grandmother, deceased), Page Turner (grandfather), Flame Barrier (step-grandfather), Cindy (step-grandmother) Fictionary (mother), Butterscotch (father), Boomer (uncle), Vincent Van Colt (half-uncle), Sunset Shimmer (half-aunt), Dawn Spark (half-cousin), Twilight Sparkle (half-aunt), Flash Sentry (half-uncle), Dusk Charger (half-cousin), Twilight Sentry (half-cousin), Violet Glow (half-cousin) Scootaloo (half-aunt), Rumble (half-uncle), Thunderclap (half-cousin), First Base (half-uncle), Silver Spoon (half-aunt), Penny Strike (half-cousin), Fluttershy (distant cousin), Timber Spruce (distant cousin-in-law), Red Rose (distant cousin), Zephyer Breeze (distant cousin), Coco Pommel (distant-cousin-in-law) Blueberry Blur (distant cousin), Dancing Breeze (distant cousin), Lofty (step-great aunt), Hoilday (step-great aunt), Roseluck (distant cousin), Groomsbey (distant cousin in law)
Personalities: Need to check with Zack.
Cutie Marks: Raspberry (Sugar Berry) Typewriter (Typewriter… no really)
Special Talents: Making berry treats (Sugar Berry) writing stories (Typewriter)
Occupations: Apprentice baker to Sugarcube Corner (Sugar Berry), author (Typewriter)
Bio (pony universe): Butterscotch was scared of having kids, having known what happened to him in his childhood with his abusive dad and brother, was afraid of having kids and he may raise them badly. But Fictionary, who had good parents growing up, was confident the two can find a middle ground. So, they ended up having a daughter and son.
Sugar Berry had a sweet tooth ever since she tasted her first treat. She also soon found out about baking and took to it like a fish takes to water. Her favourite sweets were by far ones with berries, especially raspberries. However, she also knew the dangers of what would happen if she picked the wrong berries, and would educate everyone and anyone who would listen to her. Eventually, her treats were so well received, she was recommended to the cakes to help at the bakery outside school hours, and when she was out of school, she was apprenticed to the Cakes as her father once was.
Typewriter was always intently listening to stories when he first learned how to read. He, like his mum before him, was at the top of his class when making up stories in English, and he was well spoken too. Fictionary noticed this too, and decided to take her son to see Stygian. The trio of ponies would talk about various stories, both real and fantasy, as well as create characters and make up stories together. These days, Typewriter is in a partnership with Stygian and they write stories together, Fictionary helping out too.
Bio (AoSL universe): Sugar Berry and Typewriter live with their parents and the rest of the Sentry family under one roof. Of course, they go out to see Fluttershy and her side of the family too, though they live a bit more scattered than the rest of the family.