by JasperPie
Watch Report
Cartoons & Comics / Digital Media / Comics / Strips©2018-2019 JasperPie
#comic #jasperpie #harmonydancer #mylittlepony #anniversarygift #mylittleponyfriendshipismagic
It was six years ago today that Bloom-Tazza93 and I got together and confessed our love to each other. The photo of us was from 2014 when she finally made it over here for BronyCon… I’m still confident we’ll get her over here again, just need to plan it out (Hopefully when I move to California in a few months, things’ll be easier). Though our distance may be long, that never stopped us from loving each other… and it never will! I love you so much, babe! From your sweet voice, to your pretty face, to your creative brain, to your big heart. Happy Six Years, Hon… here’s to sixty-BILLION more!!! Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart
Coincidentally, it’s also the one year-versary of the very first Jasper comic:
Five Year-Versary Comic (Jasper x Harmony) by JasperPie
…so in a way, it was all thanks to Bloom-Tazza93 that these became a hit :3
Comics featured in flashbacks:
Five Year-Versary Comic (Jasper x Harmony) by JasperPie
Stress Reliever by JasperPie
, and
Happy Birthmas, Harmony! by JasperPie
Vectors provided by :iconoblivionfall:, :iconlightning-bliss:, :iconmisteraibo:, :iconliamb135:, :iconselenaede:
Backgrounds provided by :iconeliyora:, :iconlightning-bliss:, and :iconboneswolbach:
Jasper Pie is owned by me :)
Harmony Dancer is owned by :iconbloom-tazza93: