“You know, it’s actually been a while since we’ve been into Twilight’s castle.” said Amethyst.
“Yeah, the last time you two were here is when Diamond was trying to protect everypony in Ponyville when Tirek attacked.” said Spike.
When Spike said that, it reminded Diamond of the day her family died. When Tirek started blasting Ponyville, Diamond tried to protect them by getting ponies to safety from the blast. It reminded Diamond, and her ears kinda drooped with a little frown. Spike and Amethyst looked at Diamond, realizing what Spike said had gotten her upset, and they both placed their hands around her.
“Hey, at least you have friends by your side.” said Spike calmly as he tried to cheer her up.
“And have dragons who always got your back, Diamond.” said Amethyst.
Diamond smiled a bit.
“That’s true.” said Diamond as she looked at both of them.
Spike and Amethyst smiled at Diamond.