I’d like to take this time to apologise for my anonymous nature. I started anonposting my work here as a last resort since my usual outlets provided very little feedback and I expected much the same here.
Turns out I was wrong.
I was told long ago that my art style was too niche to be properly appreciated, and that statement resulted in a gradual distancing between me and the pony art communities, to the point that I one day decided that it would be better if the artist were completely separated from the art. I would have the art speak for itself, even if it meant effectively kicking it onto the curb without any context or backstory or thought process.
I’m still deathly nervous about revealing who I am as the artist, but I at least want the luxury of revealing who I am on my own terms. My true artist name is “Ganaram Inukshuk”, but due to a chronic problem with pronunciation, I’d prefer to go by “gd_inuk”. (Time permitting, I’d also like to see if I can get my old artist tag “artist:6jjcgf0d1etqx1tp” aliased to “artist:gd_inuk”.)
If you want further evidence that I’m 6jjcgf0d1etqx1tp, go to cryptii.com and put “gd_inuk” through a base-64 encoder, an inverse case transform, and a reverse character transform, one after the other. You should get “==WA15wAFr2z”. Now repeat that process once more and you should get “6jJCgf0D1etqx1tp”.
Once again, I’m terribly sorry for keeping myself a secret, and I’d like to be able to share my thought processes, not just the end results, and I’d also like to apologise if my art style has ever been hard to digest.