Extra Notes:
Cozy Glow still teams up with Chrysalis and Tirek. The reason Twilight threw her in Hell Prison Tartarus after discovering her plot was that there was literally no where else to put her, they couldn’t put her in regular prison because she looks like a kid, and they couldn’t leave her out in the world because she still doesn’t understand it’s wrong to kill people. Twilight can’t send her back to her home universe because only Discord has the ability of interdimensional travel. She asked Starlight to try and see if there was any spell that would allow them to help her in some way but before they were able to Cozy escaped with the help of Tirek. Cozy, Tirek and Chrysalis weren’t actually turned into stone at the end, that’s more of a folk tale than anything. In reality, Chrysalis formed a truce with Equestria in the form of her political marriage to Luna as well as her offspring Astoria. A small addendum to their treaty included a full pardon for Cozy and Tirek contingent on….if not good at least decent behavior. The pardon also stipulated that if either of them broke the terms of their parole they would BOTH get sent back to Hell Prison Tartarus. So Cozy and Tirek were handcuffed together in a sense, given the previously impossible task of managing the other’s behavior. It took some time to figure out but in the end it worked out as well as anyone could have hoped, especially after Tirek met Iron Will in Las Pegasus. The two entered into a somewhat shady business partnership together and soon after that a less shady regular partnership. Cozy Glow is their evil little protege…if they could only get her to focus on more socially acceptable villainy like venture capitalist schemes and multi-level marketing instead of world destruction and domination. The three live a luxurious life of opulence in the penthouse of Tirek Tower, one of the tallest buildings in Las Pegasus. Huge!
I hope you all like my take on the undeniable Cozy Glow…I always try to do something different because there’s less competition in stories no one else is doing. If you like it check out some of my other headcanon stuff, leave a comment if you got any questions or thoughts on the story!
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