Twilight: C’mon, Tarot! I believe in you, and you know it’s true!
Tarot: Mom that sounds like something you’d say before you start sin-
Twilight: ♪Hidden beneath the ground, is a spring that feeds the creek. Invisible as the wind that you feel upon your cheek♪
Tarot: Mom please don’t start singing-
Twilight: ♪And every breeze that whispers reminds us constantly, Sometimes what’s real is something you can’t see! ♪
Tarot: * Hoofpalms* Mom please.
Twilight: ♪Believe! In all that can be. A miracle starts whenever you dream! ♪
Tarot: *Sighs* I’m going to walk away now. Have fun with your song. (Deep inside though, she did like her mom’s song.)
* Tarot walks away, still listening to her moms song. *