“Zebraland.” She says.
Emerald asks if she is okay just telling people that.
“Your priorities sort of change when you die, little one.” She says, looking away.
Emerald asks who she was escaping from, and if she has any contacts.
“I was escaping from the guard, who were intent on questioning me. That’s when the bird got me.” She says, flatly, “And I’m not sure why you’d want to speak with my contact, but her name is Aji Sushi. She works down at the promenade near the docks. She runs a restaurant there called Haiku Sushi. If you see her do me a favor. Tell her to tell my family that I passed away.”
Emerald nod, and says kindly that he will do that. Emerald asks why the royal family was after the gems with demons in them.
“I’m not sure. My cover was compromised before I could find out, though that wasn’t really my mission anyway. I did find out where it is though. They rotate it between the safehouses for some reason. I’m not sure why, but they were afraid of keeping it in the castle for extended periods of time.” Cherry Chiffon says.
Emerald pulls out his amulet and asks if she knows what it is. She looks down at it, and then back up to the colt and says,
“I’m guessing it’s one of the gems with the demons in it? My child, throw it away. It will bring you nothing but sorrow.”
Inventory & Spells - http://pastebin.com/D5PzFgGv