Commissioned by not-a-soda, Cid belongs to them.“Chloe’s getting quite the workout with her new “toy”. Coming to Chloe to help experiment with a blooming bondage fetish, Cid agreed to a very interesting arrangement, a long session as Chloe called it. Cid assumed that meant a couple hours max. However that seemed not to be the case several weeks later. But despite knowing he should be trying to get out, Cid couldn’t’t help but let out a muffled moan of pleasure as Chloe smacks him with a riding crop and he rocks back a forth. Maybe a couple more weeks of this before he really tries to get out”
- Short description by not-a-soda too!
This features a new outfit for Chloe, equestrian rider. Fitting for pony/horse play like this.Rocking horse set inspired to helixjack’s doodle sketches