Sweetie purses her lips at him, but shrugs and goes back to Ruby.
“Okay, how about… Hmm…” Sensoria says, tilting her head, “Something more on your level… How about a ray of frost?”
The blind unicorn then aims at a nearby target and a beam of cold blue light comes from her horn. It strikes it’s mark, steadily covering the surface around the bullseye in an icy sheet.
“This spell is a little different than most of the other spells you mentioned. You don’t need to target anything specifically. The ray simply comes out of a point of origin, usually horns. For people with focuses it usually comes from one of the eyes. It might take a little used to aiming by sight since you have to focus a lot more on your target, but I’m sure you’ll do fine!”
After a while Emerald manages to get a handle on the spell. The first time he casted it he got so excited he turned towards Sensoria and covered the front of her robes with a thin blanket of snow. Like she said, it did indeed come out of one of his eyes. Luckily it was the left one, since the right currently has a great deal of hair in front of it.
Unfortunately he was a bit more tired than he thought, and after casting the ray of frost multiple times, he suddenly finds the field spinning, and everything goes dark.