「MVの賞金で資金調達? アカンアカン、金儲けは地道にこつこつせな。ウチモールの駐車場でたこ焼き屋台はじめてん。『正中摂津のソウルフード』いう触れ込みでな、タコの代わりにロブスター入っとん。コレめっちゃ儲かんねんで~」
“Use the music video prize money for fundraising? Aw, hell no! Making money is serious business! I wanna set up a takoyaki stand in the mall parking lot. I’ll sell it as “Masa-Chuusettsu Soul Food” and put lobster in it in place of octopus. I’ll make boat loads of cash!”
The sign itself reads as “Masa-Chuusettsu Takoyaki (With lobster!)”
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