“Having been transported back into Spike’s ‘Power Ponies’ comic book, it seemed that the Mane Six would once again face the evil Mane-iac. However, this time, it seemed there was a new enemy on the scene: an alicorn named Paddeia, a peculiar super-villain whose costume consisted of a bib, a bonnet, and a puffy red diaper.
Earlier, she had suggested to Mane-iac that they join forces and take down the Power Ponies together, but, wanting to destroy them herself, Mane-iac refused. Now, she was Paddeia’s prisoner, sporting a thick, poofy diaper of her own, while Paddeia’s magic controlled Mane-iac’s hair, making it force feed her with a baby bottle. Understanding the mission at hand, the Power Ponies leaped into action.
Pinkie Pie, as the super-speedy Filly Second, was the first to make a move. Unfortunately, she didn’t exactly have a plan and just decided to wing it. She ran circles around Paddeia, only to be zapped by her magic. At first, it didn’t seem to do anything, so Pinkie just continued running. But after a moment, her running began to slow, as she felt something soft growing underneath her suit, around her rump. Very soon, she was rendered completely immobile by the enormous diaper that had grown between her hind legs.
Next to make a move, or at least try, was Rainbow Dash, as the stormy Zap. However, before she got the chance to take off into the air, she was hit by another beam of Paddeia’s magic. Like what happened to Pinkie, an enormous diaper grew inside her suit, as she suddenly found herself losing all bladder control, soaking the thick padding of her diaper to the point that it became too heavy to allow her to leave the ground, no matter how hard she flapped her powerful wings.
Next up was Applejack, as Mistress Mare-velous. She flung her magical rope in the air, creating a lasso, ready to capture Paddeia in its inescapable grip. But, again, Paddeia was one step ahead of her, firing yet another beam of magic at Applejack and her rope. The first thing to happen was that, as with the others, a massive diaper materialized underneath her suit. Next, her rope suddenly turned on her, tying her up and hanging her from a light post, dangling her above the still-struggling Pinkie, whose diaper seemed to be growing larger and larger the more she kicked her legs. Applejack started to shout angrily at Paddeia, only to be silenced by the nipple of an enormous baby bottle, which she found herself uncontrollably sucking on, drinking the magical liquid contained in the bottle. The more she drank, the more she lost control of her bladder, as she felt the front of her diaper become warmer and wetter as it sagged down further and further the more wet she made it.
Deciding that perhaps magic could fare better than brute force, Rarity, as Radiance, decided to try her hoof at fighting the new villain. Unfortunately, she was quickly struck with Paddeia’s magic as well, finding herself stuck in a diaper, and unable to control her bowels, quickly filling her diaper with a smelly mess. Disgusted by the filth in her diaper, Rarity began loudly crying, only to suddenly find a sweet, grainy, substance in her mouth. She opened her eyes to see that she was being fed applesauce, which only made her fill her diaper more and more.
Now, surely, an alicorn princess could match powers with another alicorn, so Twilight, as the icy Masked Matterhorn, jumped into the air, and spread her wings, ready to take to the skies. For what felt like hours, Twilight flew around, dodging Paddeia’s magic, while firing magic of her own. Time went on, and Twilight began to feel increasingly tired, and her flying began to slow, allowing Paddeia to finally hit her target. A diaper appeared on the alicorn princess’s rump, as she felt the contents of her stomach come exploding out of her into the diaper, causing it to balloon out and become too heavy for her to remain airborne. She plummeted down to the city street below, landing on top of Rarity, cushioning the landing with her still-growing diaper. Exhausted and humiliated, Twilight broke down in tears, suddenly finding her cries silenced by a baby bottle, the contents of which caused her to fill her diaper even more.
Peeking out from behind the hiding place she had found earlier, Fluttershy, as Saddle Rager, was the final Power Pony to pad. Not putting up much of a fight, she was quickly hit by Paddeia’s magic, ending up in a diaper of her own. However, she wasn’t about to allow this to be the end. She felt a deep rage building inside her as she felt incredible power flowing through her veins. In just a few moments, she’d become an enormous, raging beast of destruction, sure to defeat Paddeia, the same way she had with Mane-iac. However, she was shocked to find her body shrinking smaller and smaller, until she was slightly smaller than the diaper she was wearing.
And with that, the Power Ponies, and their arch nemesis were defeated, as Paddeia chuckled to herself, proudly glancing around at her new playthings. It looked like the newly-named ‘Padded Ponies’ wouldn’t be leaving the comic anytime soon…”