Page 360 - Motivation DeliveryPinkie Pie is an odd character to have taking center stage in your mind when you’re writing dialogue.That’s really all I have to say right now. I still remember the headache I got after writing this page.
Pinkie Pie: So… Twilight. You’re outside somewhere in Ponyville, practicing some magic with Spike.
Twilight Sparkle: Practicing what, exactly?
Pinkie Pie: Ah ah ah ah ah! I’m getting to that! Spike really wants a fancy outfit to impress Rarity when she gets back. So you’re practicing your transmogrification skills with rocks and leaves and stuff!
Twilight Sparkle: I’m… what?
Applejack: Here we go.
Twilight Sparkle: No, I mean I really don’t follow this time. Why do I have to trans…whatever–
Pinkie Pie: Transmogrify!
Twilight Sparkle: –a fancy suit? If he’s really set on it, can’t we just buy one?
Pinkie Pie: Welllll… Spike did look up how much it costs to make a custom baby dragon suit…
Twilight Sparkle: Oh. Prohibitively expensive?
Pinkie Pie: Whatever that means, yeah!
Twilight Sparkle: So… I’m magicking up a suit instead? I’m not sure my Prestidigitation covers that.
Pinkie Pie: That’s why you’re practicing! You’re a student of magic, expanding your skills!
Twilight Sparkle: O…kay… Outside? In public?
Pinkie Pie: What’s wrong with that?
Twilight Sparkle: Just humor me on this.
Pinkie Pie: Hey, it’s either that or transmogrifying-
Applejack: You keep usin’ that word.
Fluttershy: Do we, um, need a cardboard box for this?
Pinkie Pie: Hahaha! What I’m trying to say is: Would you rather transform random sticks… or books from the library?
Twilight Sparkle: So I’m practicing my magic outside with Spike, turning leaves and rocks and sticks into a fancy getup. Should I roll Arcana?
Pinkie Pie: Hip hip hooray! I mean, yes.
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