Dawn Star’s school days were split between Twilight’s School of Friendship and Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Creatures, and the invaluable resources from both fueled her love of literature and writing like dry brush fuels a wildfire. Though her studies were more specified towards magic, Equestrian politics, history, and lore (i.e. all the stuff one should study in preparation for being a Princess of Friendship), Dawn’s passion shines through in her many short stories, full-length novellas, and unfinished seven-part saga. Though she’s not yet individually published, her talent is quite known through her small inclusions in public poetry compilations and hooves-down first place pieces in short story competitions. And, of course, her parents are quite proud of their little author and have encouraged her ever since she won the first contest she entered (hosted by new Ponyville schoolteacher, Miss Pumpkin Cake, who was quite proud to present the winning paper to a very proud Princess of Friendship).
( came up with the idea of Pumpkin being a teacher, is just too perfect an idea <3)
4. Nevertheless, Twilight does still have to put her hoof down at times to steer her daughter in a less…distracted direction at times. Dawn Star was born with finicky, temperamental magic, just as her own mother was. But, as time went on, she still didn’t show any major advancements, even akin to a unicorn foal born from non-alicorn parents. It becomes clear that Dawn needed a little extra guidance where her magical development was concerned. Twilight certainly worries a tad more than Celestia, who mentors Dawn Star herself when time permits, but there are certain differences between mother and daughter. Unlike the Element of Magic herself, Dawn’s own magic naturally flows in a different direction, it seems. Her diction and ability to make herself heard certainly helps when one is taking steps to fit into the eventual role she will take as Princess of Friendship.
Dawn Star doesn’t reject the future before her. In fact, she wants to be ready to embrace it. The work that her mother began all those years ago, in bringing countless countries and species together has been imperative. Dawn understands the power behind the magic of friendship and the positive influence it can have on her fellow creatures. But she also feels the capture of their histories and stories is also important to their developing, prolonged period of peacetime. Dawn knows that quite a bit of responsibility will rest on her shoulders, but does allow herself to sometimes focus on her next chapter instead of her history reports…
5. Despite her anxieties and worries about the future before her, Dawn is still proud of her role and is determined to figure out how to balance out all the ebbs and flows of life. As she steps into young adulthood, she tries to work past her insecurities with her magic and continue to develop the raw power she knows she has within her into something worthy of her mother’s talents before her (all the while trying to squeeze in that precious time for writing). However, this pony does have a little bit of trouble in reaching out about this particular issue - except for also-having-troubled-magic-best-friend-royal-adviser Athena. The draconequus always encourages her to keep trying, and keep trying Dawn Star does. Despite being only a unicorn, Dawn is set on one day standing beside the alicorns and keeping her world safe, happy, and prospering.