From childhood friends to lovers to eventual husband-wife, Glitter Drops and Spring Rain didn’t have an easy life once they were no longer foals. They both had different ways of dealing with the guilt of alienating Fizzlepop Berrytwist (something that they didn’t do of their own accord mind you). Glitter Drops taking up a job as a ranger was some sort of compensation towards abandoning Fizzlepop. She left her friend to fend for herself, now Glitter won’t let any unfortunate soul suffer the same fate. As for Spring Rain, he devoted his time and efforts into studying healing magic, specifically broken horn treatment. This was despite his cutiemark hinting that his magic focused more on the weather. For years, they both did their best trying to not make the same mistake they made, helping other ponies. Eventually, the two crossed paths while on the way to Canterlot and decided to catch up. Several dates later, and they now had their bond redeveloped into love. As a married couple, other ponies doubted the strength and duration of their relationship, insisting that it wouldn’t last. But they did make it work, with a beautiful foal as proof of it. The couple were overjoyed, believing they were incapable of having kids.
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