Page 265 - Public PersonasWow, it was easier than I thought to make Sapphire Shores look vaguely sinister.Behind the scenes, the joke for this comic was originally a little more complicated:Sapphire Shores: Hello, Rarity. How’s the fake fashionista life treating you?
Rarity: It’s great! I’m still a no-name designer with only local customers. How’s the fake pop princess life going?
Sapphire Shores: It’s terrible. My songs are topping the charts worldwide.
Rarity: Oh. My condolences.
Sapphire Shores: I appreciate it.
DM: Since this is going to be a private conversation, we’ll step out of the room for a few minutes. Don’t worry – I promise not to take too long.
Applejack: Say hi to yer fellow rogues for me.
DM: Inside the Carousel Boutique is a blue-haired brown mare with a very striking, jazzy get-up. You recognize her as Sapphire Shores, the so-called “Pony of Pop.”
Rarity: A pop starlet AND a ranking Thieves Guild member? How do you get anything done?
Sapphire Shores: I manage. We can’t ALL be unknown, middle-of-nowhere fashion designers.
Rarity: Hmhm! Touché.
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