“Love puts its hold on someone far more than any emotion or chemical drug every could. Sometimes I wonder what some souls are addicted to more. Each other or the emotional high they get.
Blade Dancers eyes practically ignited at the last suggestion. She didnt go for her blades, she didnt take to the air, she didnt even rush in front of Xenilla to halt him. Instead she cocked a hoof back and punched him square in the face. True, it felt like she just hit a brick wall and the opposite force stung her arm; but it didnt matter at all. The fact Xenilla actually felt it and stumbled slightly in response is what mattered. He froze in place, half tempted to strike back for the sudden insolence as the left side of his face stung from healing over a bruise.
Before he could entertain much of the thought over, Blade Dancer lurched forward, putting a hoof to his chest as she reared up to glare at him at eye level.
Listen.Up. I am NO ADDICT. Hell with it all, I might have been with more than my fair share of stallions and mares over the years; but I loved every last one of THEM. The feeling was nice, but the fact it was being shared is what made it beautiful. The love for them never controlled me, it just guided me along! Sure some folks have done horrible things before with revenge, but what about all the good around to balance it? If you say and think love is so powerful, then wouldnt those who have had it in the way I have only been made stronger by it? So what if someponies would seek revenge if Princess Cadance died? She or some emotion she evoked didnt force them to feel that way about her. If they loved her so much, then it only proves she did something wonderful for them to earn it. I don’t know what rock you crawled out under, because I don’t think I’ve ever heard something so wrong!”
Xenilla stopped, returning the glare. The mare had a lot of nerve, daring to strike and back talk him. She was courageous and bold, he’d give her that much. Flickers of rage built up inside him and threatened to spew forth from his maw as a beam of burning heat. There was easily a thousand different ways he could terminate such insolence right now…
His anger cooled as his face returned to a neutral pose.
‘But that’s the way of a brute’
“Perhaps, or maybe I’m just ahead of the curve enough to realize it.”
Blade Dancer’s own glare evaporated, though she still was visibly angered. As much as she hated every last one of the kaiju’s words, she had been listening. And from what she remembered, she’d noticed a hole in his ‘perfect’ logic.
“Or perhaps your orange and blue centered morality is so far behind the curve you don’t realize it… Look, you said all sentient beings experience and make decisions based on love right? Is that true to you?”
“Inevitably. I don’t lie.”
“Then tell me this buster…”
She leaned up, prodding him in the torso with the edge of her hoof. Her facial expression was as determined as it was unafraid.
“How can you act so above it all? If you can think and act, then by your own theory that means YOU have love or loved something.”
There was an eerie silence as the despised thought swirled through Xenilla’s mind.
“I am a slave to no emotion… I have never felt a single romantic feeling in my life and never intend to…”