Parents: Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich
Species: Earth Pony/Female
Build: Average, slightly shorter and curvy
Special talent: planning, organizing, baking
Occupation: Self proclaimed manager at the Pie’s party emporium
Nickname(s): Vani, Nilla, Lala
Vanilla is the second oldest daughter of Pinkie Pie, and the oldest of her batch. She’s the responsible and reasonable sibling. Cheerful, kind, polite, well-behaved and very, very organized. Vanilla is nowhere close to being spontaneous and enthusiastic as most of her family is, she tends to think a lot before saying or doing anything, and is the one who her siblings will come running to when they mess up, making her a very realiable mare. She glady takes the role of managing and organizing every part and area of her family’s party emporium, from things that go around financial managing, grocery shopping, re-stocking and storaging, pantry organizing, tending to customers and cashier, which also makes her very good at multitasking.
Although Vanilla seems very dependable, mature and as if she’s very well put together, she has a lot of anxiety/OCD issues and is really prone to freak out if things go out of her plans. Vanilla is very skilled at putting together the perfect elements of a party, arranging everything to the customer’s tastes, but can’t quite enjoy the events she organizes for being too anxious and nervous about the custommer’s answer and satisfaction. Vanilla is a perfectionist and likes things done her way, so she rarely relies on her parents or siblings for many things, causing her to overwork herself and end up biting more than she can chew sometimes.
Cutie Mark/Talent/Abilities:
Vanilla’s cutie mark is a Vanilla flower, Vanilla beans and a dollop of cream, well arranged and put together symbolizing her affinity for baking and organization.