Though she does not express any intention on a stallion atm, she does like to linger around close to Heartstrong Flare. The burly stallion with a nerd/shy attitude (as well as the component stallion Sunburst) tends to attract something within Mythic she swears she first thought she held in reserve for Discord. Time however has kept the old draconequus away for a while……something that troubles him as his face had shown whenever he was in town. Nevertheless she has the hunk that is Heartstrong there to keep her company. Along with the role of keeping watch over her little nephew the prince of course. Tommy would not miss a day if it gave him a chance to be “Aunty M” as he calls her
That and the naughty Rarity part of her at the moment can not help but sway their bountiful posterior at the poor guards as she trots along the castle. Least she does it with style, letting her flanks do the talking for her.
Done again by the awesome RainbowTashie