Sequel of:
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Wew, can’t wait to read the next bit!
(Will link when it’s posted)
The land was scarred. The grass will grow.
The air was poisoned. The breeze will blow.
The flowers were snuffed. But they will bloom.
Life was born here. Yet taken too soon.But beauty will always return to the Seele Plains.Ponies we marched. Not for fun.
But for Queen and glory, we trot along.
Thrust against the enemy. With nary a spat.
To die for the nation; the peace we had.And to claim our tombs on the Seele Plains.We were shot. And we were burned.
We were hacked. Our guts were churned.
Screams of righteous fury. Cries of mortal wounds.
Now naught but quiet dawns. Yet death will always loom.As our blood soaked the soil of the Seele PlainsT’was all over. No less were we appalled.
A slaughter of innocence. And now the curtain call.
From this field I limp away. So many did not.
We embraced as one. We knew what we had wrought.For all who fought, perished on the Seele Plains.The war was over. Not for me.
Fated to suffer nightmares, in quiet agony.
My equinity was lost. It fell in the fray.
My soul forever blackened, painfully stripped away.As I, too, was killed on the Seele Plains.A broken mare. A shattered mind.
Reborn a husk, with my body in kind.
Survivors guilt. Death passed me by.
I shall embrace him, when it’s my time to die.For my body belongs to the Seele Plains.From whence I was birthed, I shall return.
And join my fallen kin. A punishment earned.
Bring forth my end. Hasten my fall.
Cleanse my soul, when heaven’s light calls.And I shall be laid to rest on the Seele Plains.A life fulfilled, but with a heavy shroud.
Deserving to be forgotten, wipe away this cloud.
Yet those comrades of mine, let not their memory wane.
Take our fate to heart, and keep the world sane.So I may find my peace on the Seele Plains.
-by Flammenwerfer