Full Name; Teddy Bear
Nicknames; Teddy
Gender; Male
Species; Earth pony
Age; 14 years old
Personality; Teddy Bear is a soft-spoken and timid stallion when it comes to meeting ponies for the first time, and his shyness can somewhat lead to him to stutter and mumble under his breath. However, once he gets acquainted further with a pony, he’s a pony of his word and extremely loyal, using his larger size to an advantage if they’re ever in trouble. Although he can be quite intimidating, deep down he’s a big cuddly colt who loves to comfort both his friends and younger foals. He also has a lot of patience with young foals by being able to take the trouble they can cause with ease.
Cutie Mark; A plush heart being stitched up
Talent; Comforting any pony who is in need of it by using gentle and soft-spoken words
Likes; Working with younger foals (whether it’s foalsitting or his little sister), Taking his time with his work, Breezy days, Fairy Dust
Dislikes; Rushing, ponies making fun of his mane cut, ignorance
Parents; Hot Iron, White Lotus
Siblings; Sweet Harmony (older brother), Mimicry (little sister)
Friends; Liberty Bell, Silk, Nightingale, Lit Fuse, Pixie Dust, Galileo, Kindle, Obsidian
Mane Nine of Tambelon
Liberty Bell | Pixie Dust | Silk | Lit Fuse | Nightingale | Teddy Bear | Galileo | Obsidian| Kindle
Teddy Bear © Tambelon
MLP: FiM © Hasbro