Nicknames: Rocky, Pops.
Age: 19.
Gender: Male.
Sexuality: Bisexual/Biromantic.
Body Type: Average Stallion.
Species: Earth Pony.
Cutie Mark: A rock with blue and purple fireworks around it.
Talent: Advertisement and entertainment. Making a product that is usually seen as bland seem exciting.
Job: He works with various ponies on advertising, but can be seen selling rocks for his family’s farm occasionally.
Location: Ponyville.
House: A farmhouse located on the rock farm his mother started near Ponyville.
Personality: Quick witted, a bit arrogant at times, good with words and socializing, charming, pacifist, excitable.
Likes: Rocks, fireworks, foals, cute things, rock candy, magic shows, winter time.
Dislikes: Heights, bananas, mice, extremely hot weather, arguing ponies.
Strengths: Strong, charming, social.
Weaknesses: A bit clumsy, can be a bit arrogant at times (He doesn’t mean to.)
Fears: Spiders, heights, bees, deep water.
Parents: Maud Pie and Trixie Lulamoon (Mothers).
Siblings: Soon.
Pets: None.
Special Somepony: None for now.
Relationship Status: Single.
Ex Lovers: He won’t tell.
Extra Facts:
Sometimes ponies will catch him speaking in the third person.
He is a sucker for romance novels and occasionally tires to play matchmaker.
More to come.