I’m so happy I made this model for many reasons. Both personal and technical reasons.
Season 7 Episode 13 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is currently tied for first place in my personal list of MLP episodes. I won’t dive too deep into why it connects with me so much, but I will says that I did lose my father at a young age, but I am forever grateful that I see my mom every day to this day.
Creating this model challenged me when it came to creating the mesh for the mane. This was something I was afraid of doing specifically for Pinkie Pie with the poofy and curly hair, but now that I’ve done this, Pinkie Pie’s going to be a cakewalk compared to this. The mane mesh is one of the best pieces of modeling work I’ve done so far, and I’m proud of it despite me feeling like I have a really hard time trying to understand Pear Butter’s mane in 3-Dimensions.
I have also learned how to make my models look a whole lot better through the materials. A while back I received criticism that I should be using Sub-Surface Scattering. At the time, I was like “I don’t really know how to implement that into my materials, but I’ll learn how to do that maybe sometime way later” or something like that. And I should have listened to that way sooner. Sub-Surface Scattering makes the pony model look way more alive and real and more pleasant to look at. It’s quite fantastic.
Without Sub-Surface Scattering, a scene like this would have been impossible to pull off well: