by 3vilpyro
Ever since I met the wonderful Invisible-11 I’ve wanted to do a comic with her OC Fire Strand and Fire Strike ^^ It was just too cute that their names are so similar. This is my entry for her contest, I really hope you like it! I thought that these nicknames might be cute for them to use with each other =P It’s always awkward when you meet somepony with a name similar to yours xD
Invisible’s Spring contest! 2 DAYS LEFT!
Its contest time!
I’ve decided to host another contest, and this time with much larger prizes!
so you want to enter? Here’s the challenge!
Draw Fire strand!
Yep, as the ‘design me a stallion’ idea may not be ideal for everybody - the challenge is to draw Fire strand!
You can go with whatever theme you like, be it summer, the beach, night time whatever! As long as Strands here is in it! You may accesorise her, draw her with your oc’s - creativity is the key!