Here’s a little story.
Brainstorm is forced to crossdress and join a ballet class. He discovers that he is not as light on his hooves as he thought. Miss Mousey(his pet) has been sneaking into the studio and have been observing the students. She seems to enjoy it and will often dance to the music. Meanwhile, her boyfriend with no name had been reading a book adaptation of a play that is about a rat who helps a young mare cook, drooling over the illustrations of the meals.
This gives Brainstorm and Miss Mousey an idea. However, there is one problem. In order to help Brainstorm become a better dancer, Miss Mousey is going to some help. Miss Mousey’s boyfriend is going to have to control the hind-legs, while Miss Mousey controls the front hooves. Brainstorm can’t figure out which is more embarrassing, dressed as a pretty ballerina, or being controlled by two mice.