“Hehee, not as good as you do with that big bouncy belly of yours%”
“Oh, you mean like the one you’ve got now, too? Mmm, I’d say yours is much squishier than mine is%”
“Eeeehehehe, ooh, nothing a few good puffs to your tails won’t fix right up, I’m sure%”
“Only if I can puff your tail right back, Mint-butt~”
Well, after a good while of squeezing, squishing, and puffing, eventually I did finally manage to get Minty properly puffed up into his new plaid self! Convenient that his glasses got bigger too, wasn’t actually sure how they’d fare… ah well, least now he’s a nice big adorable puffy plaid dragon, and the perfect size for squeezing, snugging, and puffing up bigger, too~
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