Nickname(s): Cam, Cammy, Lil’ Mac
Parents: Babs Seed and Peppermint Swirl Twist
Personality: Stubborn, passionate, quirky, loud, LOVES TO EAT
Special Talent: Making macaroons
Role/Job: School Student
Cameo Macaroon is the first born and only child of Babs Seed and Peppermint Twist. The little filly was a miracle for her parents, who were worried they would never get to have biological children together.
Cammy is the apple of her parents’ eye with two moms that love and cherish the fluffy little foal with all their hearts. With two parents that bend over backwards for her and a safe and secure roof over her head, Cammy has one of the most blissful home lives a pony could ask for.
Although at school Cammy has to deal with a schoolyard bully, a unicorn filly named Sugar. This filly torments Cammy for just about everything: her weight, the fact she has two moms, her special talent, her hair cut, and any other superficial thing you could think of. Usually Sugar is chased off by her cousins Daffodil and Honeycrisp, from time to time she’s left to fight her own battles–with one of those battles leading to Sugar getting a broken nose. Babs claims it’s that hereditary Manehatten attitude.
Currently Cammy lives with her moms in a small Ponyville apartment and is eagerly awaiting her moms to give her a baby brother or sister ((even though there’s currently no plans for Babs or Twist to have another one))
Her cutie mark looks a little big to me on her flank