With their invention of the Moving Picture Box (or as humans call, the “television”, or “TV” for short), the company’s Research & Development team have added some Interactivity to the TV. Introducing: Equestrian Innovations Satellite TV!
Starting at the MSRP of EQB$25 a month, Equestrian Innovations Satellite TV lets you have the power to find what channel you want, without having to use your horn!* With over 400 TV channels** powered by the company’s invention of Unicorn-powered satellite communication, you will NEVER have to leave that saggy sofa in your home ever again!
With Equestrian Innovations Satellite TV, all of Equestria will be turned into a ghost town, making everypony stay in their homes, FOREVER!
*Excluding holding the remote control (that comes with it).
**If you are Lyra Heartstrings, 250 of those channels are magically broadcasting from the Human-populated world of America!