Also A BABY!! I blame Perry on Lopoddity since the way she draws babs kills me
The reason they’re numbered is because I was going to add them into a huge sketchdump next week. But I figured they deserved a separate bio.
Lacy Tanzanite
LT, La Tan, Tanny Zanny, Huffy
Family: Spike x Diamond Tiara, Peridot
Voice: Sounds like Diamond Tiara but higher pitched
Lacy is a sarcastic and pessimistic little girl. She inherited Diamond and Spike’s snarky disposition but appears to carry an even larger chip on her shoulders. This is partly because she’s constantly seeking validation from her grandparents Spoiled Rich and Filthy Rich. She was an instant favourite with her grandpa but Spoiled is less fond of her due to her “mutt-like” appearance.
While being a bit rude may be terrible enough, Lacy is also very greedy. She loves power and wealth as she has a hard time making a keeping friends. She currently attends Twilight’s School of Harmony but she’s failing all her class opting to skip out and learn politics and business from her grandfather.
She’s surprisingly good with her little brother Peridot as he’s hard to dislike. Usually you can find her walking around Ponyville holding his hand and talking at him [it’s a very one sided convo as Per has no idea what she’s talking about. But he’s happy to come along]
Perry, Per, Puffy, Sleepy
Family: Spike x Diamond Tiara, Lacy
Voice: He’s 2 yrs old but he’s not talking yet.
Perry is the newest and last member of the Rich household.
Ponies absolutely adore him as he’s all smiles and sunshine all day.
He’s about 2 now but hasn’t started talking though he’s very aware of his surroundings and seems to understand basic things.
His favourite things to do are run errands with his big grumpy sis, cuddle with mommy and daddy but mostly…he loves to sleep…however sometimes he can’t help that. Perry has narcolepsy and passes out occasionally. However whenever that happens big sis Lacy will give him a piggyback ride til’ he wakes up….or she just drags him..