Nickname: Cakey, CC, Party Twin
Parents: Pinkie Pie, Cheese Sandwich
Siblings: Cupcake Party Pie (twin)
Step - siblings: Tooth Paste, Berry Pie
Breed: Earth pony - Normal type
Membership: New Mane 6 - Element of Laugher, Party Twins, Sweet Sugar Charms
Pet: Adult Gummy (Pinkie Pie’s toothless crocodile)
Already since birth, he was inseparable from his sister - a twin. She is very cheerful, hyperactive, she does not sit and still has to do something. At the same time he is a very nice stallion. She loves party, sweet and all kinds of fun.
His weakness is just his beloved sister Cupcake, without her being able to live, he is no one. That is why they form together an element - one without the other is nothing, together they are the strongest.
Base:… by
MLP by Hasbro
NG by me