I BLAME kilala97 AND Lopoddity FOR THIS!Kilala for giving me that NG kick with her Neo Next Gen
Lopoddity for inadvertently making me ship GildaShyI also lowkey blame Tambelon for showing me lots of NG stuff over the months. KEPT KEEPIN’ ME IN THE MOOD SONAnywhoodles~!These two are from my biggest OTPs in MLP.
Aerenth, the son of (Evehly’s version) King Sombra and Fluttershy
Galah Rose, daughter of Gilda and Fluttershy.Aerenth’s design is actually a redone version of this SombraShy foal here.
SombraShy gives me the BIGGEST ‘Beauty and the Beast’ vibe (fave Disney Princess movie), hence my deep love for it.
I figure that Sombra’s dark magic mixing with Fluttershy’s latent dark magic (the Flutterbat form) would reflect in their child, hence his thestral-like appearance.
Aerenth would be a serious, strong, and looming presence, much like his father. Also like his father, he is fiercely protective of his mother, Fluttershy.Galah’s design came to me really quickly as I was sketching her, and I just ADORE how she came out.
I was recently reminded of this ship thanks to Lop’s posts on tumblr about MLP ships that she likes/dislikes, and once I was reminded of it, I kept thinking about it. Gilda comes back thanks to her newfound friendship with Rainbow and Pinkie Pie, deciding to make amends with all that she hurt during her last visit. Fluttershy is the biggest victim here, having faced Gilda’s unneeded wrath first thing. However, being the Element of Kindness, she forgives Gilda after seeing the lengths she went to for this apology. And I feel that they might interact more from there thanks to their mutual friendship with RD. And thus, romance~
Galah would be shy and sweet, just like her mama Flutters.Also, I am facing some confliction.
While Aerenth will never be canon in my NGR universe due to the Sombras being different…..I COULD make GildaShy canon…..
But that would require scrapping Autumn Breeze and losing the romantic relations between Fluttershy and Bulk……then again, those could be re-worked to just be friend things….