With that, you thanked her again and trotted back inside and put your gun back inside your saddlebag. You then head downstairs and saw Green focusing on and intense battle. Her character was fighting a monster five times their size, the player was wielding two large curved buster looking swords and swinging them with ease and grace. You sat on the couch with Green and watched as she slashed and stabbed the massive beast. Soon the monster roared in defeat and fades into dust. You said Green did a nice job beating that thing. “It’s nothing. So, what’s going on with you young’n?” You then asked her if there’s anything she needs. Green gave a quick shake of her head. “ Nope, all good here. Go see if Macalin need’s help.
You do so, hopping off the couch and to the kitchen. Macalin was in front of the oven with a big pot on top. She turned to you and and gave you a slight smile. “Ey kid, what up?” You asked her if she need help. “Nah, I got everything under control here.” You nodded and headed back to the living room and watched Green play for a bit.
You then got up after an hour head upstairs. In the room where you met Righty, you could hear groans and grunts coming from the opposite side of the wall. It sounds like Rin and Righty are at it again, it makes you curious about what they’re doing this time.
What will you do now?
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