Nicknames : Ponies usually just call him “Billy” or “Bill”
Place of birth : Ponyville
Place of residence : Ponyville (Canterlot in his adulthood)
Parents : Apple Jack x Unknown (Father)
Facts and Bio : Billy is proud to be the son of AppleJack, but sadly not because she’s a great mother, but because she’s the element of Honesty, and he take advantage of that to be more popular at school and a lot of other things, ponies sometimes make fun of him for not having a father, or at least not knowing him, but he doesn’t care, he’s a narcissist full of himself and wants to be an actor, to be famous, to meet ponies that deserves to know him.
Ponies stay with him most of the time because of his popularity but get tired of him easily and leave him behind, but there’s only one pony, a stallion, that always stays by his side. Blast Chaser, the son of Rainbow Dash, the “dummy” is the nickname he choosed for Chase, he never admits it but he likes him, time to time, Chase always admires him and cheer for whatever he does.
Billy even if he takes advantage of his mother, still loves when she takes time for him and tries to not be too rude around her. AppleJack dream to see Billy becoming a great Apple farmer and thinks that with time, he will forget that he wanted to be an actor/celebrity.
Arizona and him are perfect opposites, and yet, his sister will always protect cherish and love him when he needs affection or support.