Still relevant. Concentrating on pretty things and hoping that we all make it through to next year sounds so very 2017.
My Little Pony comic #35, “The Snowdrop Ceremony”Story Title: The Snowdrop CeremonySummary: The flutter ponies prepare to ring in the New Year … but something surprising happens during their traditional Snowdrop Ceremony.Comments: I love the flutter ponies’ ceremony! It’s especially nice that they get something unique to their flowery theme, rather than just “pony version of Christmas” or “pony version of Valentine’s Day”, which is usually how these things go.This is also a pony origin story–more baby sea ponies! But more than the sea ponies, the idea of being “caught between years” catches my interest. Why were they caught between years? How? As in many cases, the writers left this up to the reader’s imagination. And perhaps rightly so.