Oh colored pencils, how I’ve missed you!I’m finally back! Been a busy couple of months. I have been drawing but it’s just line art for coloring pages and nothing worth uploading here. My goal for next year is to do mostly traditional drawings, using digital just for coloring. As for this pretty girl right here, she is based off of the G3 toy Twilight Twinkle. I’m going to be using this drawing for a larger project that I don’t want to reveal quite yet but I’m pretty excited for it. I’m hoping to do something like alternating drawing for this project with drawing for another crossover I’ve got planned. But we’ll see how that goes - next year I’m going to be studying to get my Assistant Lab Animal Technician certification so that’s going to eat up a lot of time (not to mention once the new Zelda game comes out I’ll probably do little else but play that when I’m not studying.)
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