Ever since she was a little filly, Azure Glory has always been fascinated by the unknown. She always loved to read, and would often listen to her foal-sitter, Paradise, tell exciting tales of adventure, mystery, and amazing creatures (some of which were unheard of even in Equestria). Glory has even become a good storyteller herself. Her love of reading has led her to learn about a variety of subjects, but her favorites by far are jewelry making, supernatural things, and the placing of enchantments on objects. Her first successful enchantment, which she cast on a horseshoe, turned the horseshoe (and anypony wearing it) invisible. She still can’t find it.In first grade, Glory met Sky Song, a pegasus who loved music and, like her, was very adventurous. The two became best friends, and they have shared many experiences together. She had also played an important part in Zapp’s origin by giving Sky the amulet that granted her enhanced weather control. Little did she know that Sky would also have an impact on her story.Since the heroism of the unknown unicorn known only as the Masked Matterhorn had hit the news, strange things seemed to happen far more often than usual. And Matterhorn wasn’t the only one – another superhero, a pegasus, had been sighted last month, as well as what some think was an earth pony (although nopony could tell because it was moving too fast). With each new arrival came a dramatic increase in supernatural occurrences. Which was good news for Glory, because these were exactly the kind of things she investigated.Her current investigation had taken her to a swamp a few miles from town. There had recently been sightings of a scaly, pony-like creature in the area. From descriptions the witnesses gave, she knew it was most likely a kelpie – an aquatic horse that fed on fear. Armed with an iron spear and all the knowledge she could find on kelpies, Glory ventured further into the swamp.She had been walking for at least an hour now, but there was no sign of anything unusual. But this was not unexpected, however, as kelpies are excellent at hiding. Glory continued to keep an eye out for any suspicious movements, and to listen for the song the creature used to lure its victims. Suddenly, in the corner of her eye, she saw something moving in the water. She turned to look, readying her weapon. The strange object moved closer… closer… and leapt out of the water without warning. Before she could react, Glory found herself pinned to the ground by a large, scaly beast, and her spear snapped in two by its tail. The kelpie bared its long, sharp teeth and glared at her through its piercing yellow eyes. But Glory wasn’t scared. She knew that kelpies feed on fear, and figured that once it realized she had none, it would leave her alone. But it didn’t leave, and instead prepared to go for the kill. That was when Glory realized she was about to learn the hard way that if a kelpie was unable to find fear to eat, equine flesh was a viable substitute. But just as the kelpie was about to bite down on Glory’s throat, lightning flashed above, startling them both. While the kelpie was distracted, a pegasus zoomed down out of the storm and slammed into the beast, knocking it down long enough to pick her up and fly her to safety. They could hear the kelpie’s enraged whinny as they flew away.Glory didn’t see the pony’s face, only that it was a stormy-colored pegasus in a black-and-white outfit. “This must be one of the superheroes that have been showing up recently,” she thought to herself. Upon landing, she turned to thank her rescuer. “Thank you so much! I thought I was done for. By the way, you never told me your name~~” But the mystery mare was gone. As Glory walked back home (which was surprisingly close to where she had landed), she contemplated what just happened. That pegasus had saved her life, expecting nothing in return. She was grateful for that, and felt inspired to do the same for others. Once she was home, she immediately started looking through all of her enchanting books to find a charm to help her in her task. One enchantment in particular caught her eye ~~ one that allowed the wearer of the enchanted item to conjure up objects at will. Glory decided on this one, and cast it on a pair of bracelets she had made. With her new powers, she became Radiance, Maretropolis’s newest superhero.
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