“Altogether? About 1.2k. I managed to get quite a number of bits from that diplomat, heh.” Joyride says smiling, “Your cut is 600.”
Emerald asks if ghosts exist.
“Huh? Of course they do.”
Emerald stares at the unicorn for a second, and then Emerald starts to chow down on the ice cream, and Joyride says,
“Hey, slow down there. You already got a belly full of semen, don’t make yourself sick by eating too much before bed. Because I’m not going to be the one cleaning it up.”
Emerald shrugs, and puts the tub next to him on the bath. He turns to Joyride and asks how she kept it cold in her mantle.
“With my cold, black heart.” Joyride says with a grin, “But seriously, I have a pocket dimension I can put non-living things that essentially freezes them in time. Put something cold in, it comes out cold.”
Emerald asks what the deal is with his pendant.
“I don’t know exactly.” Joyride says flicking the water with her hooves, “But I’ll find out.”
Emerald asks about the focuses.
“Jeez, curious tonight aren’t you? I’m working on it still. It should be done tomorrow late or the next day early.” She says casually.
Emerald asks if it’s possible that someone else could come along with them.
“Maybe. Depends on who it is. Why? You thinkin’ Sensoria? She has a duty to this city, and I think it might cause trouble if she came, lil’ perv.” Joyride says with a yawn.
That’s not who he was thinking of exactly…
“Oh? Do tell?” Joyride says, leaning close and grinning.
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