But I will admit guns are exciting in fiction. So we tried to figure out some way, somehow for ponies to shoot things. In Fallout Equestria you’re kind of boned if you’re not a unicorn. Our first conclusion was to simply get rid of bullets completely. And also ignore the tongue trigger idea and say “Hey ya know, ponies are all magic n shit, so maybe ponies would use magic in a fight instead of slugs of lead.” So wrist lasers strapped to their forelegs. I won’t say this is the best idea. It most probably isn’t. But I feel it works somewhat better for a horse on the go. An even better idea would probably be a gun helmet, also without bullets.
It’s simply a magical energy weapon. A magic wand/enchanted thingamabob, set inside of a protective case. It can also be powered by crystals. Later on I figured the gun would be decorated in runes and charms, this is how non unicorns get to use these. The general makes have the same set of charms but they can be made custom so special spells can be executed. Since I’m no good at drawing runes, I just used a rune generator this time, I’ll try harder next time I promise! The runes on Juniper’s gun says “The Wild West is Free” But for realizes, the runes are supposed to tell you the kind of spells you can do with the device.
That little Hana-Barbera looking mofo standing next to her is the trouble making,dangerously smart, yet deceivingly innocent Bogart Peep. Together they have many adventures.