Emerald says there was quite a bit more before he managed to make it to Whitherwater.
He’s been talking for so long that they got to #304 Coursewalk before he even realized it
He notices that Joyride is there at the door fiddling with her keys. When she sees them she turns to them with a grin.
Emerald doesn’t really feel like continuing the story with Joyride here. He feels like she might make inappropriate comments.
“Well if it isn’t my two favorite fillies!, how’s it going?” She asks, focusing back at her keyring.
In response to her comments, Emerald walks up behind Joyride and slaps her on the butt.
Emerald didn’t know what kind of reaction he was expecting out of her, but she ends up giving a small gasp of shock and dropping her keys. She then turns her head and says,
“I didn’t think you’d ever been man enough to do something like that, lil’ perv! You honestly surprised me! Next time, give my tush a bit harder of a smack than that. I really want to feel it, alright?”
Emerald isn’t sure why, but he gives a smirk, and says that he has dinner, and asks her if she has been drinking again.
“Nope! I’ve been good!” Joyride says, picking up her keys and fishing out the spare key to Emerald’s flat, “Just been reapplying some enchantments and gathering a few more supplies we might need.”
“Reapplying enchantments?” Ruby asks.
“Yup, like to this house and stuff. I don’t need to do it all the time, but if it isn’t done at least every few years the magic will die completely and… Well, make quite a mess on this block when everything is flung out the door. Heck, even after just a few months it starts to degrade slightly. I just redo the enchantments whenever I think I’m going to be away for a while.”
“Oh…” Ruby says with a slightly cocked head, “Okay!”
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