“Awww…” Praline says sadly. Giles is already walking towards the door.
“Well, I’ll see ya later once I finish my chores! You promised to teach me a bit of reading and writing!” Praline says, hoping after her brother.
“Well, shall we get started, Emerald?” The mom says.
“Oh, sure Mrs…. Um…”
“Sweet Tea.” She says smiling.
“Yes, let’s get started Mrs. Sweet Tea!” Emerald says happily, smiling back.
Emerald comes around the side of the counter, and Sweet Tea directs him to a cutting board and a knife.
“Are you a very good cook?” Sweet Tea says, grabbing a large bowl full of yams, carrots, radishes, and lettuce.
“Um…” Emerald says.
In reality, he hasn’t cooked a day in his life. Most of the staff did that, but he isn’t sure he wants to reveal his past to Sweet Tea. Cooking always seemed a bit interesting to him though.
“No… B-but I’ve wanted to learn!”
“Alright, my dear. Take this knife and cut the vegetables like this.” Sweet Tea says, taking the knife and slicing a carrot quicker than Emerald can register, “when you get done will mix them together with some dressing and it’ll be lunch.”
“Oh err, alright.” Emerald says, taking the knife and attempting to do the same, though he slices the pieces much less expertly, cutting paper thin slices in one chop, and thick chunks in another.
“Ah, you needn’t go as fast I did, honey. Just cut it carefully and it should be fine. I’ll be over here working on dinner if you need anything.” Sweet Tea says, taking a spot slightly to Emerald’s right.
He looks over and sees Sweet Tea humming to herself, expertly chopping up some pecans.
Inventory & Spells - http://pastebin.com/D5PzFgGv