The two newer members of Imp’s former group of bandits. Nox is able to communicate with Bats and has very keen hearing, and trains bats to scout out potential targets during the night, when it’s easier to strike. His little sister, Will-O-Wisp (Wisp for short) is spoiled by the group and acts as bait, acting as a lost little filly and leading caravans or traveling ponies where she thinks she “last saw her momma”, when in fact she’s taking them deeper into the woods so it’s easier to get the drop on them. Her special talent is misleading others, and she also has the strange ability to create little floating will-o-wisps, which she also uses to lure ponies into ambushes. Both are orphans and were brought in by Imp, who metaphorically took them under her wing and taught them to be thieves, back before she got pregnant and left